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GamerDrive was originally founded in 2002 as a gaming news site. It's main purpose then was to inform the community on news headlines and other factors. Since then, GamerDrive has changed to inherit substantial growth and aknowledgement. It has gone through numerous designs and is still growing. Now GamerDrive has changed to provide gamers with more gaming information then ever before. It's games database is constantly updated and it's user review feature allows user interaction within the site. GamerDrive hopes to strive further and further into the world wide web.
After mistakenly letting's registration lapse, we came back online December 6th, 2003 under the new name

CEO, President, Site Programmer

Tom Veenstra
Production Manager, Content Editor

Brian Cleveland
Content Editor

Ernie Miller
Content Editor

Nick Claypool
Content Editor

Wayne Bristol
Forums Moderator

Contact Information

  • Advertising
    Have an online product or store you think would go good with our site? Give us an email at [email protected]

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    Want to contact us for any other reason (site problem, privacy issue, questions, comments)? Give us an email at [email protected]

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